Cinnamon point Siamese cats introduced by GCCF Siamese Judge, Mrs J Starr.
Cinnamon point Siamese cats are one of the less well known varieties and in fact only achieved Championship status in 2009,t hough the cinnamon colour is becoming more popular. It is easily confused with Chocolate, but in fact is a totally different colour, being a warm cinnamon brown. Think of the colour of the spice the cat is named after and you have pictured this attractive variety!
Cinnamon point Siamese cats are one of the less well known varieties and in fact only achieved Championship status in 2009,t hough the cinnamon colour is becoming more popular. It is easily confused with Chocolate, but in fact is a totally different colour, being a warm cinnamon brown. Think of the colour of the spice the cat is named after and you have pictured this attractive variety!
As in all of the Siamese colours, the Cinnamon point should have a pale coat and this, contrasting beautifully with his warm cinnamon points, together with eyes of brilliant blue, makes a handsome Siamese!
New EMS Code - SIA o
G.C.C.F Old Breed No - 24k
Cinnamon Point Siamese Cats GCCF Standard of Points
Eyes - Brilliant intense blue, the deeper the better.
Points - Warm cinnamon brown. The legs may be slightly paler then the other points.
Body - Ivory. Shading, if any, to tone with the points.
Nose Leather and Eye Rims - Cinnamon brown.
Paw Pads - Pink to cinnamon brow.
Withhold Certificates or First Prizes in Kitten Open Classes for:
1 Pale and/or dull eye colour
2 Cold points or body colour
3 General Siamese withholding faults
Pictures of Cinnamon Point Siamese Cats

Toghar Reachforthe Stars

Merescliff Reanne

Toghar Reachforthestars

Toghar Reachforthestars

Cinnamon Point Siamese

Cinnamon Point Siamese

If you have any photos of cinnamon point Siamese cats or kitten then we would love to include them on the Siamese Cat Breeder website. Please submit them using the form at the bottom of this page.
Cinnamon Point Siamese Kitten Pictures
Siamese Cat Breeder are very interested in adding pictures of cinnamon point Siamese kittens at the various stages of early development. We believe this will help novice breeders identify the colour of their kittens easily. If you can help we would love to hear from you.