Siamese cats, with their striking blue eyes and sleek, svelte bodies, have captivated cat lovers worldwide for centuries. These feline beauties are more than just a pretty face; they boast a rich and fascinating history that stretches back to ancient Siam, now known as Thailand. In this article, we cover the history of Siamese cats, exploring their royal connections, their introduction to the Western world, and the development of various Siamese cat breeds. From their mysterious origins to their enduring allure, the Siamese cat's story is one that blends regal elegance with a touch of enigmatic charm. So, join us as we unravel the captivating tale of these exquisite feline companions.
Myths About Siamese Cats
Siamese are one of the most well known and popular breeds of cat across the world. Their exact country of origin is not known however they are thought to have come from Siam now known as Thailand. This article gives a very brief over view of the breed and some of its history with many wonderful pictures of these beautiful cats.
It is believed that the cats belonged to the Royal Family of Siam and were used as guards of the ancient temples. Legends tell of the way the Siamese became cross eyed with kinked tails (now considered a show fault which breeders try to eradicate but this is not a health issue). The story goes that two Siamese were sent to find a goblet belonging to a King. When they found it one was left to look after it while the other returned to tell the king of its whereabouts. The one who was left was so scared of losing the goblet it stared at it and wrapped its tail around the base tightly. This caused the cat to become cross eyed and have a permanent tail kink and is passed on though its descendants. Other stories tell of the tails of Siamese cats being used as ring holders by the Royal Princesses and that is how the kinks arrived.
The History of Siamese Cats
The first Siamese were imported into the UK in 1884 by Mr Owen Gould as a gift for his sister Lillian. This was a breeding pair named Pho and Mia. They had a litter of kittens named Kalahom, Karomata and Duen Ngai. They were first shown at the Crystal Palace cat show in 1885. Sadly they died after the show but more Siamese were then imported into the UK. The breed became ever more popular and the Siamese Cat Club (still exists today) was founded in 1901. We have a great range of pictures of past Siamese below.

Prestwick Siamese Cats

Ch Sabukia Sirocco

Gr Ch Amberseal Electo

Ch Killdown Midas

Sup Gr Ch Tabbra Bon Chance

Gr Ch Caliganza Keylargo

UK Gr Ch Magical Hocus Pocus

UK Gr Ch Popplebee Tigi Wigi

Ch Kaloke Lothario
Colours of Siamese Cats
The years have gone by and the breed has changed considerably. The seal point was the original and probably also the most well known colour. More colours began to arrive as did more patterns. Today there are more than 34 different colours and patterns in the breed (you can view these in our Siamese Cat Breed Profile). These include the better known colours seal, chocolate, blue and lilac points. In addition their are profiles on caramel, cinnamon and fawn points. The profile also includes tortie points, red points and tabby points.
December 26, 2012
Seal point Siamese cats introduced by GCCF Siamese cat judge, Mrs N Farnsworth.When Siamese cats were introduced to this country in the eighteen hundreds they were mainly . . .
December 26, 2012
Chocolate point Siamese cats introduced by GCCF Siamese Judge, Mrs J Starr.The Chocolate point Siamese cats are one of the oldest of the recognised colours within the . . .
December 26, 2012
Blue point Siamese cats introduced by GCCF Siamese judge, and well know Siamese cat breeder Mrs J Pounds of Jomese Siamese. Mrs J Pounds Blue pointed Siamese . . .
December 26, 2012
The Lilac point Siamese cats breed profile was contributed written by Di Brown of Firousi Siamese, Di Brown is a GCCF Siamese cat judge.Lilac Point Siamese were . . .
December 26, 2012
Cinnamon point Siamese cats introduced by GCCF Siamese Judge, Mrs J Starr.Cinnamon point Siamese cats are one of the less well known varieties and in fact only . . .
December 26, 2012
Fawn point Siamese cats introduced by GCCF Siamese judge, Mrs J Starr.Fawn point Siamese cats are a relatively new addition to the list of recognised Siamese colours . . .
December 26, 2012
Caramel point Siamese cats breed profile written by Di Brown of Firousi Siamese, Di Brown is a GCCF Siamese cat judge. Di Brown Caramel Point Siamese are . . .
December 26, 2012
Introducing red point Siamese cats.G.C.C.F Old Breed No - 32a  New EMS Code - SIA dRed Point Siamese Cats GCCF Standard of PointsEyes - Brilliant intense blue, the . . .
December 26, 2012
Tortie point Siamese cats, an article by Joan Pounds. Joan is a GCCF Siamese Judge and also breeds her cats under her prefix Jomese.History of Tortie Point . . .
December 26, 2012
An overview of apricot point Siamese cats.An apricot is a cream which has at least one set of the dilute modifier gene which modifies the cream into . . .
December 26, 2012
Introducing cream point Siamese cats.G.C.C.F Old Breed No - 32c New EMS Code - SIA eCream Point Siamese Cats GCCF Standard of PointsEyes - Brilliant intense blue, the . . .
December 26, 2012
If you have any photos of tabby point Siamese cats or kitten then we would love to include them on the Siamese Cat Breeder website. Please submit them . . .
Traditional Siamese Cats vs Modern Siamese Cats
There has also been some division within the breed as far as the type of Siamese. There are now 2 distinct types of Siamese cat the traditional Siamese cat which has a more rounded head and stocky body shape. The modern Siamese cat which has a wedge shape head and a much sleeker body shape. Because of the diversity of the Siamese cat many breeders prefer to specialise in a particular type or colour of cat. Traditional Siamese cats are rarely shown with GCCF anymore due to the vast difference between modern and traditional type and the fact that the G.C.C.F judge them against each other makes it very difficult for a traditional to compete. However traditional Siamese can be shown under T.I.C.A and F.B and are judged separately from the modern Siamese as the Thai Cat.
They continue to grow in popularity year on year and this is much to do with their fabulous personalities. There have been many Siamese owned by the rich and famous including Harold Wilson British Prime Minister and James Dean Hollywood Actor. They have appeared in books and films one of the most famous of these was Walt Disney film Lady and the Tramp. Sadly Si and Am the cats in the film were portrayed as nasty cats and many people believe this is what they are like in reality which is quite the opposite.
There are many other breeds which are derived from the Siamese. They have long been admired for their distinct pointed pattern, blue eyes and fabulous temperament. Permitted out crossing with other breeds have created some new breeds too. Some of the breeds who’s roots go back to the Siamese are as follows.
Siamese Cats Of Distinction
Our Siamese cat gallery below is a selection of Siamese pictures of many fantastic Siamese cats that are found behind many of the show and breeding cats of today. This will be a trip down ‘memory lane’ for some of our more seasoned breeders and a real eye opener for our novice breeders. We have some fantastic cats from the past who we may find at the back or perhaps just a little further back on our pedigrees and we also have some cats that many of us will still find at the front of our pedigrees. We hope you enjoy our gallery as much as we enjoyed putting it together.
This gallery has been put together with the help of many of our breeders and judges and Siamese Cat Breeder would very much like to thank them all for their contributions. We have some rare photographs of some fantastic cats but we would very much like to extend the gallery. If you have any photographs of cats that you feel should be included on this page please contact our webmaster who is eagerly awaiting your photographs.

Gr Ch Caliganza Keylargo

Sup Gr Ch Tabbra Bon Chance

UK Gr Ch Magical Hocus Pocus

UK Gr Ch Popplebee Tigi Wigi

Ch Kaloke Lothario

Ch Killdown Midas

Gr Ch Amberseal Electo

Ch Sabukia Sirocco

Prestwick Siamese Cats

UK Gr Ch & UK Gr Pr Saturn Starlight Express

UK Gr Ch Summerdown Cream Pasha

UK Gr Ch Meisako Jamilah

UK Gr Ch Magical Hocus Pocus

UK Gr Ch Furryface Darcy

Ch Tzu Lucifers Angel

Supreme UK Gr Ch Tabbra Bon Chance

Supreme Gr Ch Zachary Apollo

Supreme Gr Ch & UK Gr Pr Pannaduloa Blazer

Mapu Mafdet Magic

Ch Mafdet Tomboy

Gr Ch Lovinamist Limelight

Killdown Joanna

Killdown Jupiter

Gr Ch Johpas Galileo

Gr Ch Kaloke Kuna

Gr Ch Kaloke Sulien

Gr Ch Longview Maverick

Gr Ch Mafdet Dejavu

Gr Ch Okesha Star Galaxy

Gr Ch Pendenna Red Rocky

Gr Ch Shermese Stringalong

Gr Ch Shermese Startiger

Gr Ch Shermese Elnino

Gr Ch Seadog Pacal

Gr Ch Sarnau Powdernpaint

Gr Ch Sarnau Johpasquali

Gr Ch Roysterer Lord Catmando

Gr Ch Penyrallt Picasso

Gr Ch Shermese Tigers Eye

Gr Ch Sislinki Topsun

Gr Ch Subairn Excalibur

Gr Ch Swanky Simpson

Gr Ch Telperion Tapestry

Gr Pr Firousi Faux Pas

Gr Pr Takata Calista

Imp Gr Ch Drestothril Silk Drawers

Imp Gr Ch Drestothril Dancelot

Imp Gr Ch Abicasa Thegypsybaron

Imp Gr Ch & Imp Gr Pr Johpas Glaminglitz

Imp Gr Ch Foxtwist Al Fresco

Imp Gr Ch Johpas Senorita Rumbalita

UK & Imp Gr Ch Furryface Moriarty

UK & Imp Gr Ch Mylynn Montoya

Siamese Cat Picture Gallery

Isobel Keene of Killdown Siamese

Supreme UK Gr Ch Sarnau Jaffah

Gr Ch Frenchelle Coeur Delion

Gr Ch Sinfonia Valentina and her brother Gr Ch Sinfonia Monteverdi

Ch Fistra Gorgeous George

Ch Firousi Foie Gras

Ch Eirrem Fledermaus

Ch Darling Dream Angus

Ch Gingerbread Mann

Ch Kaloke Lothario

Ch Lovinamist Cavalier

Gr Ch Caliganza Cascade

Gr Ch Caliganza Kasmin

Gr Ch Caliganza Keylargo

Gr Ch Denique Marrok
Submit Photos to our Siamese Cat Picture Gallery
We would love to hear from anyone who has any suggestions and more importantly pictures of Siamese cats from the past that deserve a place on this gallery. The gallery is open to any Siamese cat that has played an important role in the pedigrees of today or indeed was a fabulous show cat and ambassador for the breed.