Life without cat litter, rid yourself of every pet owners pet hate. You have to admit that cleaning out litter trays is not something anyone could call fun! Well the article below submitted by Kate Burrows looks at a solution that takes away this awful job! Not only does Kate sear by it but she has even managed to get anyone reading this article a discount code! Well done Kate!

How I Made Life Without Cat Litter a Reality

Life Without Cat Litter
Life Without Cat Litter

As a pet owner and breeder if I was asked the question ‘what’s the worst part of owning a cat?’ I would without doubt say ‘litter trays!’ Not only are they smelly and unsightly but they cost us a fortune. Not to mention the forward planning of where you buy your litter, if you have enough etc. and storing large bags of cat litter can also be an issue for some people.

Life Without Cat Litter

I have already saved in 2 months £80.00 by purchasing a CatGenie self cleaning litter tray.

I visited the GCCF Supreme Cat show in 2009 and on display was a self cleaning litter tray called a CatGenie. Now to me the product looked too good to be true and not only that but where would you put one? I went away very intrigued by this product. Then someone I knew purchased one and they raved about how wonderful it was and how much of a cost saving too.

This year we decided to do some renovations in our house. Part of those renovations included putting in a downstairs cloakroom. With this in mind and the fact we needed to dig up the floors to lay the plumbing for the toilet I wondered how hard it would be to integrate a CatGenie into the design. It was easy and the results are what have inspired me to write this article.

I have had mine installed for 2 months now and so far I have had no issues at all and have already saved myself £80 in the cost of cat litter. I estimate that over the course of 12 months not only will my CatGenie pay for itself but deducting the cost of the cleaning solution I will also save over £100.00 verses buying regular non clumping cat litter. Next year I estimate to save £377.10 and let’s face it in this economic climate we all need to save where we can.

So at this point you are probably wondering what a CatGenie is and how it works if you have never seen one before. Basically it it’s a litter tray filled with cat safe washable granules that never need changing. It uses a scoop to remove all the solids from the tray which then get flushed away. It then fills up with water and cleaning solution and cleans and dry’s the granules. That is a really basic explanation of it but if you visit the CatGenie website there is loads of information and videos of it working on there for you to see.

I ordered my CatGenie over the telephone and they were extremely helpful and clearly passionate about their product. I was really excited when the following day it arrived. I had to wait a while for the work to be carried out before it could be plumbed in and ready to go. I have located mine in my downstairs cloakroom and as you can see by the pictures you are unable to see the Genie as you open the door. It is fitted perfectly under the stairs. The cats have access into the cloakroom via a cat flap in the main door. We have even installed a sensor which detects movement in the room and turns on the light and extractor fan.

My main worry was weather my cats would take to this new fangled toilet? As for my cats using the CatGenie I followed their acclimatization leaflet and began with putting their old litter tray next to the CatGenie they soon began to use the CatGenie and we have never looked back. I have 3 Adult Siamese and they are all happy to share the GatGenie with no problems. I got the Tuxedo 12 package which comes with the cover and side walls with enough cleaning solution and spare granules to last 1 cat 12 months.

You can buy the spare Granules and cleaning solution from the CatGenie website or over the phone. I have found when speaking to the company they are really great people and very helpful. I come from a customer service background and I highly rate the way this company deals with their customers.

So why clean litter trays, store bags of cat litter or even have to carry it about when you don’t need to and mean while you are saving money. The main concern for most people would be the initial cost. Think of the CatGenie as an electrical appliance similar to a washing machine. Washing machines cost upwards of £300.00 but I would rather have one than hand wash my clothes. I would rather have a CatGenie to clean my litter trays than I would do it by hand. It worked for me and as a very happy customer I am writing this article I would like to also point out that I am nothing to do with CatGenie just a breeder who wants to get her point across.

So if you fancy looking into getting a CatGenie yourself please have a look at their website also if you look at their Facebook page you can see that a CatGenie can fit in many places from a custom installation like mine to a garage or even a cupboard and it only takes 10 minutes to install in a kitchen or bathroom and comes with all the fittings to do this.

As a result of us publishing this article they have offered Siamese Cat Breeder and Oriental Cat Breeder customers a discount of £20 by quoting this reference code CC20-QK2 at the time of ordering.

They also offer payment schemes to help spread the cost so if you order a Tuxedo 4 package the cost with a discount is £279.95 you can pay an upfront payment of £149.95 and then £65 1 month later and £65 another month after that. They also offer a no quibble 90 day money back guarantee as long as it is returned cleaned in the original packaging. If you have any questions just give them a call and they will be happy to answer them for you. So what are you waiting for?

Many thanks to Kate Burrows of Kaypez Siamese for this informative article on every cat breeder and pet owners least favourite subject, litter trays!!!

About the author

Ross Davies

Ross is a UK Siamese & Oriental Cat Breeder breeding and showing his cats and kittens under the prefix Burnthwaites . He is the author on various cat related websites and blogs including 'Siamese Cat Breeder' and ''.

Ross is the creator of this website and has lived with cats since being a very young child. He started breeding cats in 2001 and has showed them successfully breeding many best in show cats.

Ross is a GCCF cat judge and also sits on cat club committees and both the Oriental and Siamese Cat Joint Advisory Committees. He holds certification in both feline behaviour & psychology and also cat anxiety and stress.

Ross writes extensively about cats and has been featured in magazines such as Your Cat and Our Cats and also guest authored on newsletters for various cat organisations. He is also a guest speaker at cat seminars.


Cat Litter Trays, Cat Training

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