Money saving tips for cat owners is a fantastic article which will help cat owners to substantially reduce the costs involved in owning a cat.

Money Saving Tips for Cat OwnersFor many of us, cats light up our lives. Whether you have one pampered feline or a whole pride of different cats, chances are you would not be without them. It is a well known fact, however, that cats can be expensive. It is not just the initial purchase price that you should consider when thinking of getting a new cat, but it is overall cost of the cat over its lifetime.

Count the Cost of a New Cat

Before you even consider adopting or purchasing any animal you should consider how much money your new pet is likely to cost you every year. Figures indicate that keeping cats can cost us a lot more than we might initially think. For instance the cost of feeding, housing and providing veterinary care for just one feline comes in at just around £700 a year! So imagine how much it is going to cost considering cats tend to live around 16 years on average. One cat will have cost your almost £12,000 over their lifetime! Factor in the estimated cost of keeping several cats, and you may find yourself having to hold down several jobs just to afford the feed bill!

Keeping cats properly is always going to cost you money, but there are many ways in which you can save money on your pets care without compromising on their needs.

How to Save Money on Your Cat Food Bill

One of the biggest costs you are likely to face in the up-keep of your cats, after potential veterinary costs, is the food bill. But it is possible to reduce the costs of feeding your cats if you follow our Top 5 Tips:

  1. Buy in Bulk – An article in The Guardian advises that you can:[pullquote align=”normal”]Cut the cost of pet food by as much as 50% by buying in bulk [/pullquote] Always remember that the bigger the packet of food, the less it is likely to cost. If the food your cat normally eats goes on offer then stock up. It may cost you more initially but it will save you money in the long run.
  2. Look at the ingredients – Buying the cheapest cat food you can is false economy as the cheaper brands of food contain less of the ‘good stuff’ your cats needs and have more cheap quality ‘fillers’. For instance, when looking for cat food, try to buy a good quality food with a high protein content. This will fill your cats needs, making it more likely that she will stay healthier for longer and will keep her feeling ‘full’ meaning she will need to eat less food overall.
  3. Shop around – Try to avoid always buying your food from the same place and keep your eye out for offers. Search online to see if you can get your cat food cheaper from an online store than at your local pet shop.
  4. Stop over-feeding – You could cut your food bill by a third if you stop over-feeding your cat. Get into a habit of weighing your cats regularly and measuring out how much food they really need. You might be shocked at how much you are over-feeding. By doing this your food will last longer, saving you money on your food bill. Reporting on the case of an extremely over-weight cat, an article in The Daily Mail said: [pullquote align=”normal”]Overweight pets are less mobile, less willing to play and more likely to develop a number of serious health conditions. [/pullquote]So another potential financial benefit is that keeping your feline companion trim will mean she will stay healthier long-term, saving you money on expensive vets bills.
  5. Cut back on the treats – Most commercial cat treats are expensive and your pet does not really need them. If you want to treat your cat, then a little chicken or fish is likely to be enjoyed just as much if not more than expensive packaged treats.  Remember a treat is something that you don’t give all the time, it does not mean it has to be expensive.

Keeping the Cost of Vets Bills Down

Most cat owners will agree that visits to the vets cost a lot of money. There are ways that you can keep your vets bills to a minimum. One way you can do this is by keeping on top of your cat’s health care at home. By following our checklist to keeping your pet in tip top condition you are less likely to need the attention of a vet.


  • Regularly worm and de-flea your pets.
  • Spay or neuter your cat.
  • Clean and check your cat’s teeth regularly.
  • Clip your cat’s nails/claws.
  • Feed your cat a good quality diet.
  • Do not over-feed your cat.
  • Keep your pet fit and exercised.

Never assume that all vets charge the same fees and don’t assume that higher charges mean better veterinary treatment. Check out the vets in your area to find out which offer the best value for money. You can do this by word of mouth from other pet owner recommendations or by doing your own research and contacting each of the vet practices.

Saving Money by Insuring Your Cat

Another way you can save money on your vet’s bills is by insuring your pet. Pet insurance may seem like a lot of money but with unexpected illnesses and accidents potentially costing in excess of a thousand pounds it is money well spent.

Before taking out a pet insurance policy, shop around and see what policies are available so that you don’t get caught out. Beware of special introductory offers as you may find yourself paying out more in the long run. Be aware that pedigree pets are likely to cost more to insure and always check out the policies’ excess before you buy.

Only Buy What Your Cat Really Needs

It is so easy to get carried away buying things for our pets. We love them dearly and we want to show it by showering gifts on them. But our cats really don’t need expensive beds and toys from pet shops. Try recycling old towels and bedding to make a comfy place for your cat to sleep, chances are they will end up on our bed anyway. Rolled up foil can act as a great toy for cats with other homemade cats toys easily made as covered in this article.

Save You Money on Your Cat Care Costs


  • Do work out the cost of a new cat before you buy.
  • Do buy your cats food in bulk.
  • Do insure your cat to avoid expensive vet bills.
  • Do feed a quality diet – spend more on your cat food and less at the vets.


  • Don’t buy the smallest packets of cat food available.
  • Don’t try to save money by not getting your cats vaccinated and neutered.
  • Don’t buy expensive beds and toys.
  • Don’t assume all vets charge the same.

Keeping cats is very rewarding and they bring a lot of joy and happiness into the lives of pet owners all over the world. Owning a cat is always going to cost you money, but by following our money saving tips for cat owners then you can shave hundreds of pounds off the costs of owning a cat.

Do you have any tips for saving money owning a cat?

About the author

Ross Davies

Ross is a UK Siamese & Oriental Cat Breeder breeding and showing his cats and kittens under the prefix Burnthwaites . He is the author on various cat related websites and blogs including 'Siamese Cat Breeder' and ''.

Ross is the creator of this website and has lived with cats since being a very young child. He started breeding cats in 2001 and has showed them successfully breeding many best in show cats.

Ross is a GCCF cat judge and also sits on cat club committees and both the Oriental and Siamese Cat Joint Advisory Committees. He holds certification in both feline behaviour & psychology and also cat anxiety and stress.

Ross writes extensively about cats and has been featured in magazines such as Your Cat and Our Cats and also guest authored on newsletters for various cat organisations. He is also a guest speaker at cat seminars.


caring for your cat, Cat Toys, Feeding Cats, Feeding Your Cat, Feline Teeth

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